Monday, March 24, 2014


Spring is NOT in the air today.  Being from New England I roll with the punches but I have to tell you that this Winter has been ridiculously long and cold.  I have had enough.  Temperatures are supposed to warm up by the end of the week and hoping they stay up!  Still I am preparing for outdoor living, it's coming sooner or later.  :o)
Looking at some outdoor seating for the yard.  I am not looking for your basic picnic table, not my style, but more of a comfy low maintenance seating option.  These chairs created by Justin Brouillette of design studio SiteScapes are very unique.  Made from 90% + recycled materials they stand up to freezing temperatures and the heat and sun of Summer.  They have the appearance they will fall over backwards but are designed not to!  Very Mod.
                                                                 Barristro Outdoors

This seating area below looks very comfortable!  They are over sized so I could grab a pillow, put my feet up,  rest my head and fall asleep, which is what normally happens to me when I sit outside reading.  
And ohhh, these lounge chairs just look so welcoming!!  They come in different colors too!
But there is something about crescent shaped seating that I have always been attracted to! This is the one that I would love to make mine.  With a atomic style fabric would be perfection!!

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