Thursday, March 20, 2014


There is a new product that may become available, only is the test phase now.  GE Artisty Applicance line is exploring the idea of making a type of skin to go on your appliance to change it up. I personally think it is brilliant!  

Lou Lenzi of G.E. stated "before we fall into the trap of creating (and being blamed for) the next Harvest Gold, we thought we’d start with colors that might already be present in your kitchen - ginger, lime, cinnamon, aubergine (aka eggplant for the uninitiated), and lemon. Next, we considered a variety of finish scenarios. We started by bathing the entire appliance suite in color, then tried selected appliances as accent pieces within the suite, and finally landed on colored “skins” that could attach to the front of the refrigerator and/or dishwasher, which could be changed or swapped out for new colors, much like a smart phone case".

Click on the link below to view the color options they are considering.  I would prefer they offered Aquamarine but would probably go for the Harvest Gold, I mean "Ginger".   :o)

GE Artistry Series

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